8 September 2021, 15.00 - 16.30 (UTC +7)
Session co-organizers:
Transport remains as one of the main contributors to urban air pollution in many cities. Sustained urbanization and motorization will continue to drive the increase of urban air pollution unless appropriate policies and measures are implemented. The pandemic showed the impact of movement restrictions and closing industries and offices on air pollution. At the same time, digitalization and e-commerce have rapidly increased and brought about an increase and reliance on urban motorcycle deliveries. Public transport became unpopular while cars and motorcycles use increased as preference for personal transport prevailed. In most cities, cycling has greatly increased as many without cars and the poor find ways to meet their basic mobility needs.
As countries and cities re-open and rebuild, it is important to look at supporting low carbon and low emissions transportation systems to keep the improvements in air quality. Electric mobility is seen as one of the major solutions to decarbonizing the transport sector, and ultimately improving air quality. However, there are several challenges and barriers to widespread adoption.
This session will focus on sharing policies and experiences promoting sustainable transport including the role of public transport, digitalization, and electric mobility in meeting efforts to reduce air pollution in Asia Pacific.
Founder, Connecting Founders Co. Ltd.
Programme Officer -Sustainable Mobility Unit, UNEP
Co-Founder and CTO, Aeloi Technology and Young Champion of the Earth for Asia Pacific 2019
Vice Dean, Tsinghua University
Head of Business Solutions, Gojek
Senior Transport Specialist, Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department, Asian Development Bank
Deputy Director, National Electric Vehicle Centre at Land Transport Authority (LTA), Singapore